Key Features
WIZwiki-W7500P is a SoC platform board based on the W7500P chip ( ARM Cortex-M0 that integrates 128KB Flash and hardwired TCP/IP core, MAC & PHY. If you use WIZwiki-W7500P board, you can easily evaluate the W7500P and test its performance and all functions.
MCU : W7500P (ARM Cortex-M0 + Hardwired TCP/IP + MAC/PHY)
Arduino Form-Factor
Compatible with a wide range of commercially available shields
Xbee Interface Form-Factor
Compatible with a Xbee I/F module
CMSIS-DAP Interface Firmware
Built-in USB drag ‘n’ drop FLASH programmer
- USB Virtual COM port for serial terminal
- CMSIS-DAP interface for programming and debugging from offline tools
WIZwiki-W7500P Pinout